----------------------------------------- Fluxus XML file ----------------------------------------- Use fluxus.xml file to import demo data to your website. ***************************************** How to import demo data? ***************************************** 1. Log in to that site as an administrator. 2. Go to Tools: Import in the WordPress admin panel. 3. Install the "WordPress" importer from the list. 4. Activate & Run Importer. 5. Upload 'fluxus.xml' file using the form provided on that page. 6. You will first be asked to map the authors in this export file to users on the site. For each author, you may choose to map to an existing user on the site or to create a new user. 7. WordPress will then import each of the posts, pages, comments, categories, etc. contained in demo.xml file into your site. ***************************************** 2. Steps to take after importing ***************************************** After importing demo data you will need to setup few things manually: 1. Go to Settings > Reading and set 'Homepage' as your front page and 'Blog' as your posts page. 2. Go to Appearance > Menus, select 'Manage Locations' and assign 'Header Primary Menu' to 'Main Menu', 'Header Secondary Menu' to 'Secondary Menu' and 'Footer Primary Menu' to 'Footer Menu'. 3. Go to Portfolio > Projects, click on the 'NYC' project to edit it. On the bottom of the page find 'Project Media' area and click 'Add Image' to assign some images to your project. Find further documentation on: http://inthe.me/documentation/fluxus Regards, inTheme