Fluxus theme is translatable using .po and .mo files, which is the official way of translating WordPress themes and plugins. This is a brief guide that explains how to translate Fluxus theme into German.
When using WordPress 4.0 or newer
Before starting make sure you have downloaded a free tool POEdit. It is available for both OS X and Windows.
1. Using FTP client connect to your website and download English translations file that was included with Fluxus theme. Find it under: wp-content/themes/fluxus/languages/en_US.pot
2. On your local computer rename the en_US.pot file de_DE.po (the convention is: language code followed
by “_” followed by country code in capital letters).
3. Open de_DE.po file with POEdit and use it to translate the strings. For testing things out you can simply translate “Oops! That page can’t be found.” into something else.
4. When done translating save the file. POEdit will save the translations to de_DE.po and in addition it will generate a de_DE.mo which will be used by WordPress.
5. Upload de_DE.mo to wp-content/themes/fluxus/languages/de_DE.mo
6. The translations are there, now we need to tell WordPress to use the new German language. The easiest way is to upload a copy of our de_DE.mo file to wp-content/languages/de_DE.mo (create that folder if
it doesn’t exists). Then login to WordPress Admin section and go to Settings > General on the bottom there is “Site Language” setting. Change it to “Deutsch” and click “Save
Changes”. Go to your website and visit any non-existing page eg. example.com/this-surely-doesnt-exist (or more likely example.com/asdasdasd) instead “Oops! That page can’t be found” you should now
see the string that you’ve added via POEdit.
7. Your site now should be displaying some strings that you’ve entered in step #3. Further edit de_DE.po file to translate more strings and repeat the #4 and #5 steps to upload your translations.
When using WordPress 3.X
1. Using FTP client connect to your website and download default.po file from Fluxus theme’s languages folder. You should find it under wp-content/themes/fluxus/languages
2. On your local computer rename the default.po file to something that would represent your language, in our case it could be de.po (hence DE is for Deutschland). Now we need to translate the de.po file.
3. Download translation program POEdit.
4. Use POEdit to open the de.po file. After opening you should see lots of strings, for a start let’s translate only one. Find a string that says “Other projects”, click on it and provide translation
into your language. Save the file.
5. After saving you should see another file called de.mo. This is the file that got generated after saving the .po file. Let’s upload this de.mo file to wp-content/themes/fluxus/languages
6. The final step is to tell WordPress which language file to use. For this you will need to modify your wp-config.php. Find a line that says define(‘WPLANG’, ”); and change it into the
file name of your .mo file (without extension). In our case it is define(‘WPLANG’, ‘de’);
That’s it. Now try going to your portfolio project and look for a place that used to say “Other Projects”. It should read whatever translation you’ve entered using POEdit.
If you are new to WordPress then this translation method might look too difficult (I must admit it is not very user friendly). In that case you might want to read official WordPress documentation to get other more extensive solutions.
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